👋 About Me

Hello there! I’m Dennis Schäfer, a professional in IT security with degrees from Aalen University. Over the past six years, I’ve been deeply involved in penetration testing and security research, contributing to the publication of multiple CVEs.

💻 Tech Exploration

My blog serves as a digital journal where I share the highs and lows of my journey in tech security. My aim is to break down the complexities of IT security, making it accessible to everyone.

🌐 Navigating the Digital Landscape Together

Join me as we navigate the dynamic landscape of IT security. Beyond merely spotting vulnerabilities, I’m dedicated to empowering others with the knowledge to secure their digital spaces. Let’s uncover the mysteries of the digital realm together!

📧 Contact Information

Feel free to reach out:

Note: While I’m currently engaged in a full-time position and unable to take on freelance work due to contractual obligations, I’m always open to discussions and sharing insights within the field. If you have mutual interests or would like to connect, feel free to drop me a message. I believe in fostering a collaborative community and am happy to explore potential collaborations.